Instructions to Visitors (including contractors) to Hopwells Ltd
Welcome to Hopwells Ltd - Please observe the following instructions:
All visitors signing into Hopwells Limited must confirm their understanding of this document and their agreement to comply with instructions and local rules by ticking the relevant boxes provided via our electronic signing in system.
All visitor/contractors must report to reception for authority to proceed and must keep within agreed areas.
(If you have an allergy to any of the ingredients, please notify your host immediately)
All visitors/contractors should be aware that access to these premises is controlled in the interests of Site Security, Food Hygiene and Health & Safety.
Smoking or vaping is not permitted anywhere on site.
Visitors must never enter food handling and warehouse areas unless accompanied by a trained employee. All eating and drinking must be kept to specific areas of the site (i.e. Canteens and Test Kitchens).
Contractors, and certain visitors to site, must be inducted to acquaint themselves with the sites welfare facilities, hazards, safe access and egress points, escape routes, along with special precautions that are applicable to the area you are visiting.
Visitors must notify their host if they are suffering from, or have recently been in contact with, any of the following medical conditions, which may result in special precautions being imposed or exclusion from certain areas:
Visitors/contractors may be asked to remove certain types of jewellery or other embellishments that could present a food contamination risk.
Visitors/contractors should be constantly vigilant and alert to fork truck and vehicle movements. Hi-Viz PPE must be worn when entering areas of vehicular movement.
Visitors/contractors should ensure that they wear suitable protective clothing when spending any significant time in the cold store, which operates at circa –23◦C. The Company may be able to provide cold store clothing by arrangement.
Visitors are only permitted access to areas relevant to their visit.
Contractors must notify the Duty Supervisor of their presence, the nature of their work, which areas they will be working in and must seek special permission to perform any hot work. Permits to work will be issued on demand.
Visitors should be aware that unauthorised access to certain areas might activate intruder and/or fire alarms.
In the event of an emergency dial 999 or 112 from any telephone.
All accidents, damage caused, near misses and dangerous occurrences must be reported to the Duty Supervisor, who will provide the Accident Book and relevant report forms.
Food poisoning
Parasitic infection
Persistent Cough
Recurring Boils
Loss of taste or smell
Breathing Difficulties
Bronchitis with spit Tropical disease
High Temperature/Fever

Version 2.4